Ten Things You May Not Know About Me

Cynthia Wylie
3 min readMay 10, 2024
  1. I grew up on a farm. My undergraduate degree is in Agriculture and I now own a part of my family’s farm, although I don’t live there.

2. While in graduate school, I worked in the finance department for the World Bank. In a bit of irony, today I’m a consultant working with the World Bank.

3. I raised four kids. They are all fabulous, and I feel privileged to have had a part in their lives.

4. If I had not bought my house in 1997, I would not be able to afford one today in my Los Angeles neighborhood.

5. I was the Rodeo Queen of the country’s second largest rodeo. I have no pictures of this, although my mom certainly does.

6. I have three patents and there are many others that I’ve worked on.

7. I mostly write about business and economics, but I also wrote five children’s books. They’re called the Bloomers Island series, published by an imprint of Penguin Random House. They’ve practically all sold out.



Cynthia Wylie

Founder of Bloomers Island. Published children’s book author at PRH. Writes about big kid’s stuff like economics & business, too. TheProjectConsultant.com.